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NDC women’s organiser arrested for fraud



NDC women's organiser arrested for fraud

A National Democratic Congress (NDC) women’s organiser of the Benso Oil Palm Plantation (BOPP) branch has been arrested for allegedly defrauding a man on Thursday, February 4.

Joyce Adamtey, a female believed to be in her thirties allegedly defrauded one John Aryeh, 30, of an amount of GHS7,000 with the promise of securing his enrollment into the Ghana Prisons Service.

According to reports, the victim paid GHS7,000 to the suspect and after not hearing from the suspect for a period of time, he approached Mr Razark, who is the Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Mpohor District.

Chairman Razak giving his accounts indicated his name was included in the deal between the suspect and the victim which he knows nothing about, hence the reason the victim approached him.

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Chairman Razak speaking to Skyy Power 93.5FM said, “The suspect approached me saying, he is the one who gave Joyce money for the Ghana Prison Service job and made me know you will be able to help me. I asked him who is Joyce and after giving me further information, I told him I don’t know the suspect and that he should leave immediately.”

“He left after threatening him with arrest. I was later approached by one of the NDC guys who told me about how my name is involved in a fraudulent deal. After seeking further information and getting to know who the suspect was, I notified the inspector at the Mpohor Police Station of the crime and she was arrested.

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After the suspect’s arrest, she denied Chairman Razak being ever involved in the fraudulent act at the Police Station in the presence of the victim, some police officers and the chairman himself.

However, investigations are still ongoing and one other suspect is on the run, the police will later arraign the suspects before court and prosecute them after the investigation is complete.


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