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Ghana forward Majeed Waris reveals why he won’t get inked



Ghanaian attacker Abdul Majeed Waris has revealed that he doesn’t have a tattoo and has no intentions of getting one in the future.

Most footballers in contemporary times are inked. It’s actually become a common sight, mostly across the Western World where footballers have more tattoos than the average person you see across the street.

From stars to those who are unknown, most football players spot tattoos that tell various stories as inspirations behind them.

However, in an interview on TV3’s WarmUp+ show, Waris affirmed he cannot see himself getting one due to his background.

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The Strasbourg striker is a Muslim and he says getting inked does not conform to his religious and cultural background.

“I don’t have any tattoos and I don’t think I’ll ever get one. From a strong Muslim home, I don’t think my family will accept that,” Waris said during the show.



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