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Top female University Graduate now barber cries for love



Top female University Graduate now barber cries for love

The famous University Graduate now a Female Barber Priscilla Arthur known as Adwoa Pee has disclosed that some parents are unwilling to allow their sons to marry female barbers in the country because they perceive them as failures.

Adwoa Pee who graduated with 2nd class degree pursued her dream of becoming a female barber rather than depending on people or waiting for white-collar jobs.

Speaking in an interview with Pure Fm’s Osei Kwadwo monitored by, Adwoa Pee explained that “In Ghana when a female does the work of a man people think she is not marriage material or a prostitute”

According to her, “Some parents don’t want their sons to mingle with ladies who are into jobs dominated by males and won’t even allow their sons to go out or marry us”.

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“If you are not determined, things like these will discourage you from achieving your goals. The fact that you want to achieve your goals doesn’t mean you don’t have to make a family” Adwoa Pee lamented

“I know a lot of female barbers who have stopped because of the kind of things people are saying about them. They are tired of standing the heat owing to the discouraging words from their friends, family members and others”.

Adwoa Pee emphasized that ‘Sometimes I don’t understand that we believe what men can do women can do but when a woman wants to do what men do, people think she is a bad person. The same thing applies to the men, when a man does what women do, people discourage that person”.

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She however encouraged her friends not to give up but rather continue to work hard to shame their critics.

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