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Supporters without COVID-19 cards can’t watch Ghana vs Nigeria World Cup playoffs – Government



Supporters without COVID-19 cards can’t watch Ghana vs Nigeria World Cup playoffs - Government

The Ministry of Youth and Sports has announced that supporters would be denied access to our different stadiums unless they have Covid-19 vaccination documentation.

The Ministry’s instruction includes Ghana’s FIFA World Cup playoffs versus Nigeria, which are scheduled for later this month at the Cape Coast Stadium.

According to a statement released by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in order to adhere to and curb Covid-19, the Ministry has asked the National Sports Authority and the Ghana Football Association to only allow supporters with their Covid-19 certificate to Ghana’s different league centers on Match Days.

“The COVID-19 Task force and the Ghana Health Service will mount vaccination centres at Kumasi, Cape Coast, Takoradi and Tamale stadia, one week before the Ghana-Nigeria derby,” the Ministry of Youth and Sports said.

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The Ministry also stated that the usage of face masks is totally authorized at our league centers.

The Black Stars qualified for the play-off round after a 1-0 victory over Bafana Bafana at the Cape Coast Stadium.

