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Former Kotoko midfielder Maxwell Baako joins Sahab Club in Jordan



Former Kotoko midfielder Maxwell Baako joins Sahab Club in Jordan

Ghanaian midfielder Maxwell Baako has completed his move to join Jordanian top-flight side Sahab Sporting Club.

The 26-year-old is expected to play a huge role for his new outfit in the Jordan Pro League considering his qualities.

Baako last featured for Ceramica Cleopatra in the Egyptian Premier League.

Before his move to the North African country, Baako had stint with Ghanaian top-flight side, Asante Kotoko.

The former Karela United player will be an important play for the Sahab Club considering his versatility on the field of play.

He can play in the middle of the field or behind the striker.

Baako’s new outfit started the season with a defeat against Shabab Al-Jordan (1-2), in the Federation Shield Championship.

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