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Kwadwo Sheldon Fumes At Kweku Smoke For Criticizing Him Over His YouTube Contents




Ghanaian content creator, Kwadwo Sheldon during a Twitter Space convo angrily slammed Kwesku Smoke for chastising him over his YouTube contents.


Kweku Smoke during the convo advised Kwadwo Sheldon to desist from passing harsh and insensitive comments about the works of musicians. Smoke explained that musicians go through a lot of ups and downs to bring out their projects, hence comments which do not speak well about their music brand tend to down their spirits.

He said that some musicians cannot control their emotions, hence harsh comments might even go to the extent of forcing them to quit music because they might feel less of themselves.

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In response to his submission, Kwadwo Sheldon angrily slammed Smoke for lambasting him over his contents. Kwadwo Sheldon claims there have been a lot of times people also criticize him and say harsh things to him, hence he sees nothing wrong with him retaliating.

However, Kweku Smoke who only wanted to make his peaceful submissions by calling Kwadwo Sheldon stated that he holds one of the most influential platforms on social media, so instead of using the platform to criticize people, he can use it to promote their music works to project Ghana music to the world.

Listen to the audio below:

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