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“Freda Is Bis3xual” – Blogger Explains Why Shatta Wale And Elfreda Broke Up



“Freda Is Bis3xual” – Blogger Explains Why Shatta Wale And Elfreda Broke Up

Ghanaian undercover blogger, Aba the Great, has shared the main reason why controversial Dancehall musician, Shatta Wale, and his new girlfriend, Elfreda parted ways.

Shatta Wale and Elfreda are no more dating as Shatta Wale came out to rant about how ‘wicked’ women can be after showing her off barely two weeks ago.

According to Aba The Great in a recent post, she claimed Elfreda reported Shatta Wale to the police following a misunderstanding they had. She also alleged that Elfreda is a bis3xual.

in her own words on Instagram, the blogger wrote:

Shatta wale was texting one stripper friend just a( regular text) Freda saw their chats, her eagle eyes were up and about. Shatta had to go for a show, thought freda was tired from the back to back concert so asked her to relax , freda felt he’s trying to use that to see the stripper lady, Shatta told her there’s nothing to worry because the lady in question is a stripper.

Shatta left for the show without Freda. He got back later, got into a heated argument with Freda, She [email protected] him and he [email protected] her right back. . Freda reported Shatta to her mother and they called the police on Shatta..

Shatta is somehow pained, because he’s spent a lot on her, especially paying for her liposuction.. another interesting info I have is; Freda is bis£xual

Reacting to the allegation one Selorm Ahiabor wrote; ‘The liposuction part I won’t believe cos the Freda I know is someone who always had a great physique from cosmos to mfantseman. My friend dated her for 2yrs so we were that close

Another identified as Osikani wrote; ‘Paying for lipo is not much saaa cuz we talking about Shatta and not one ordinary guy. How much is lipo seff🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️she didn’t get anything from him aside kissing and fondling videos which she will regret.

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