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Asamoah Boateng Re-affirms NPP’s Resolve To Capture Greater Accra In 2024



Stephen Asamoah Boateng

Mr Stephen Asamoah Boateng, an aspirant of the National Chairmanship of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has contended his resolve to recapture the seat lost of his party in the Greater Accra Region during the 2020 election in 2024.

He said breaking the eight agenda of the party needed visionary, learned and strategized leadership to collectively well structure, organise the party to help resolve the loop holes within the party.

Mr Asamoah Boateng made the affirmation when he addressed some constituency executives in the Greater Accra Region on his campaign trail for the Chairmanship position.
The visit was to collaborate with the executives, know their concerns, issues affecting them to help in policy formulation for their victory in the coming elections.

He pledged his commitment and support to the executives when given the nod and called for unity and togetherness to enhance the agenda ahead of winning the 2024 general elections.

The incoming National Chairman revealed that his major reasons for the position was to break the gab between the Government and the party to foster development and improvement in the country.

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Also to enhance effective communication among the members and government to project the good works, policies, interventions of the party to the populace to ensure a huge win in the elections ahead.

He recounted his days as the Minister for Local Government Rural Development and Environment, Tourism and Diaspora Relations, expounded to vindicate his expertise in visionary leadership.

Mr Asamoah Boateng revealed that his success during those periods serves as a testament to his promise to employ visionary leadership through a well-organised party structure if he becomes the National Chairman to break the 8 in the 2024 elections.

“I have lived a life of service in all my leadership roles and I comprehend what it means to be a leader. I am an ardent believer in the word “unity” and will ensure that all factions within the party are united with a common front”

“This can be fully realised when the structures of the party are functioning effectively for everyone to play his/her specific role,” he said .

Hence he was confident that the grassroots, together with the constituency executives, will have a say in the appointments of people to government positions.

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“we have more competent patriots at the various constituencies who have toiled for the party and deserve to be appointed too”

he is convinced beyond all doubt that collectively the New Patriotic Party will win back the Greater Accra Region. In the 2020 elections, NDC garnered 1,326,596 votes representing 51.04% while the NPP garnered 1,250,174 votes representing 48.10% with the NDC having 20 seats and NPP having 14 seats. This, he will seek to overturn in favour of the NPP ” he assured

Mr Asamoah Boateng called on the delegates to vote massively for him during the National Elections of the party to enable him implement policies and programs to help the party’s victory 2024.

The delegates expressed their satisfaction with his message and assured him of their maximum support when the time comes for voting.

Most of them declared their intentions to voluntarily campaign for him to win the National Championship position on the premise that his vision holds the key to the party’s goal of breaking the 8 in 2024.

