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Breaking the 8: We must allow grassroots structures to work – Chairman  



New Patriotic Party (NPP)


The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has a very difficult task to retain political power in 2024 unless the Party structures are allowed to work at the grassroots level, Mr Janamah Biiyien, a leading member, has stated.

He said the grassroots remained the pillars and strength of the NPP but expressed regret that the Party structures in many of the constituencies were not working due to disunity, hence ‘breaking the eight’ could become a mere slogan.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Duayaw-Nkwanta in the Ahafo region, Mr Biiyien who is the Party’s Second Vice Chairman for Tano North, expressed worry that factionalism had disunited the Party’s front, including polling station and constituency executives.

 “In fact, the NPP structures are not working at all at the grassroots. Each executive is doing what he/she likes, and we can’t break the eight with these attitudes,” he said.

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“But we should not forget that if the NPP loses elections today we are all going to suffer as executives because we will rule in opposition in hunger. It is the Party which made us executives and we must champion the cause of the Party,” Mr Biiyien added.

He said breaking the eight required that all supporters, members, sympathisers and executives of the Party would come together to propagate the achievements of the Government and ideals of the NPP to Ghanaians.

“Our government has achieved a lot and we must endeavour to bury our differences, forge ahead in unity and sell these achievements to the voting population for them to make informed decisions when they go to the ballot in the Election 2024, other than that we must forget breaking the eight”, Mr Biiyien stated.

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“It is glaring in the Tano North Constituency that the Government has achieved a lot through our Parliamentarian, Dr Freda Prempeh, so if we bury our differences, put aside selfish interests and unite to propagate those achievements, there is no way the NDC can even obtain 10 per cent of the total votes in both the parliamentary and presidential polls,” he cited.

Mr Biiyien expressed regret that the behaviour of certain aspirants, eyeing the parliamentary seat in the area, had virtually torn the Party apart, unable to come together, and, therefore, appealed to the regional and national leaderships of the Party to intervene before the situation gets worse.

