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Some Churches, Pastors only focused on making money




Nana Yaw Boakye better known as MOG Music, a gospel musician, has said that not all churches in Ghana have suddenly become so money-minded.

According to the singer who is also a pastor, a few churches are focused on making money at all costs and are actually making it look like all of them are doing same.

Talking to Amansan Krakye, he said “If they say the church has now become too money minded I’ll say not all of them maybe some few churches are those doing that.

“It is said that one bad nut can spoil the whole soup so it’s only a few individuals doing it and it’s been generalized to all churches but there are some genuine churches and men of God.

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MOG Music who is a member of the Royal House Chapel took the opportunity to eulogize his pastor, Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah.

“There are those who are not focused on money but fully doing the work to win souls for Christ and I can vouch for Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah and the mighty work that he’s doing,” he added on Property FM sighted by

He continued “He’s been very supportive in paying people’s school fees, and supporting young ministers like myself so people shouldn’t think all the church is concerned about is money making”.
