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Car runs over a man at Effiakuma – Skyy Power FM



Car runs over a man at Effiakuma – Skyy Power FM

A man reported to be in his seventies (70s) has been hospitalised after getting run over by a taxi vehicle at Effiakuma on Thursday, June 22.

The incident happened in the early hours of the said date when the vehicle, an Opel Astra with registration number WR 830 Y, hit the victim whiles purchasing some items at the roadside.

This led to the victim getting stuck under the vehicle until neighbours and passers-byes helped to rescue the him from the vehicle.

Sustaining some major injuries and being in a critical situation, the victim was rushed to a nearby hospital and is currently receiving treatment.

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As of the time of writing this report, the police were at the scene to investigate the incident.

