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Who wins Assin North By-election? – Skyy Power FM



Who wins Assin North By-election? – Skyy Power FM

Polls have opened at 0700 hours across voting centres in the Assin North Constituency by-election to elect a new Member of Parliament (MP).

About 41,168 registered voters are expected to cast their ballots at 99 polling centres using 198 biometric Verification Machines (BVDs) to elect one of the three candidates to complete the unexpired parliamentary term.

The election followed a Supreme Court’s declaration that the election of Mr James Gyakye Quayson as well as his swearing-in as an MP was unconstitutional, null, void, and of no legal effect.

Vying for the seat are; Mr Charles Opoku of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), who is first on the ballot paper, followed by Madam Enyonam Sefenu for the Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG), the second on the ballot, and Mr Quayson, the former MP, representing the National Democratic Congress (NDC), the third on the ballot paper.

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Even though the process has been smooth at all the centres visited by the Ghana News Agency, there is tension in the Assin North Constituency as a victory for the ruling NPP Government would give the party a positive signal in the 2024 general election and a win for the NDC Candidate would affirm the preferred choice of the constituents.

The big question is who wins the Assin North By-election? The GNA team would capture every moment of the by-election in the 99 polling centres.

Source: GNA

