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There are bad people in the music space exploiting artistes




MzVee known in private life as Vera Hamenoo-Kpeda, a singer, has said that there are bad people in the music space who want to exploit artistes.

Advising emerging artistes on Property FM in Cape Coast, MzVee remarked that they should be very patient and they’ll find the right people to work with.

“When I’m asked to advise people about the music and stuff, the one thing I say is to be very patient,” MzVee told Amansan Krakye in an interview seen by

She disclosed “There are good people and bad people and people who are ready to exploit you and use you and just leave you because they don’t think about you but them first.

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“So my advice is always to be very patient and you’ll find the right people to move with but it’s not easy the space is very competitive.

“People are going through so much just to get their names heard and their voices heard and their faces seen so you need to be extremely patient to find the right people to work with.
