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My passion for music won’t allow me to quit even after getting married




S3fa known in private life as Sefadzi Abena Amesu, a Ghanaian songstress, has stated that there’s no way marriage can let her stop doing music.

According to the 28-year-old Afrobeats singer and songwriter, her passion for doing music won’t allow her to quit after getting married in future.

S3fa told Amansan Krakye in an interview “No please I’m not worried at all that when I get married I won’t be active in the scene because music is my passion.

“You know when something is your passion, you can’t just let it go one day and you can’t wake up one day and say I won’t do it again.

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“So I mean when it gets to that time we’ll see how to work around it,” she stated on Property FM in Cape Coast as observed.

S3fa won the Afrobeats Song of the Year award during the 2022 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMA) with her song ‘E Choke’.
