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Ashanti Region records highest number of violent incidents in Ghana



Ashanti Region records highest number of violent incidents in Ghana

The Ashanti Region according to the Foundation for Security Development in Africa recorded the highest number of violent incidents in Ghana.

Out of the total 86 cases recorded within the period of 1st June to 31st July this year, the Ashanti Region topped the list with a total of 24 incidents representing 28 per cent of the total cases recorded.

Next is Greater Accra Region with 21 incidents representing 24 per cent.

However, the Bono Region was the most peaceful region in Ghana within the period under review.

The 86 recorded cases within two month period of monitoring revealed that a total of 167 injuries and 41 deaths occurred in regions under monitoring where 10 per cent of the dead were women.

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The Foundation for Security Development in Africa is a non-profit organization formed to examine conflicts and further the capacity of African institutions.

