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Drivers plying Assakae-Whindo road are not happy with attitude of contractor



Drivers plying Assakae-Whindo road are not happy with attitude of contractor

Some drivers plying the Assakae to Whindo road are unhappy with the attitude of the contractor responsible for fixing the road.

According to them the contractor in a bit to fix the road is rather making it difficult for drivers who ply that stretch.

Some of them lament their frustration to Skyy News saying, “We are not happy with the condition of the road and it is also dangerous to the drivers who ply the road. There are big potholes on the road which are likely to lead to accidents in the future.

“They have filled some of the holes with mud and it is not conducive to use when it rains because our cars get stuck in the mud, we hope the contractor reconsiders some of his decisions and put his best effort into fixing the road.

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Meanwhile, Samuel Agyapong, the sight manager for ASABEA engineering, the contractor working on the road admits that there are some challenges but they pleading with motorists to bear with them.

He said, “You can see, when you came we are not working on both sides, we are tackling the left side and after we are done with that, we will go to the other side, this is the reason only one side has been opened to traffic, they should give us the chance to finish with one side before we go to another.”

“They should bare with us, the rains are giving some issues but we will try our best.”

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