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Ghana Police officer allegedly slaps woman for failing to produce her drivers license



Ghana Police officer allegedly slaps woman for failing to produce her drivers license

A woman by the name of Josephine Yaa Odoom has petitioned the Ghana Police Service after a male police officer allegedly assaulted her at a barrier in Makessim in the Central Region after failing to produce her drivers license home.

Speaking to Skyy Power 93.5FM, on Monday, January 7, Josephine explained that on 2nd June 2021, she was travelling with her mother from Tarkwa to Accra in a Nissan Sentra vehicle with a registration number GE 7215-15.

Just after the Mankessim township, there was a police barrier for which the police stopped her and asked for her driver license.

She was not in possession of it so it led to a heated argument between her and the police officer.

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She said, “The police officer described me as ‘Ashawo’ without any provocation, I thought that was not right for him to insult me in that manner, so I also responded to him equally.”

The victim made it known the police then gave her permission to leave and in the process of moving her vehicle, the police officer accused her of trying to hit him with the vehicle so he slapped her.

“I got out of my car to take a picture of him as evidence but the police officer subsequently took my phone forcefully and destroyed it.”

“It took the intervention of his colleague (name withheld) who managed to retrieve my car key and brought it to me and also apologised on his behalf,” she added.

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Josephine says she finds it necessary to bring the matter to the attention of the Ghana Police Service so the said police officer will be called to order and believes the colleague who helped to retrieve her items from the police officer will be of great assistant in fishing the said unprofessional police officer.

Attached below is the letter of the petition:


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