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Gwira residents protest over bad roads



Gwira residents protest over bad roads

To voice their disapproval of the terrible condition of the local roads, residents of the Gwira Traditional Area in the Nzema East Municipality in the Western Region have started a rally.

They said that the area’s terrible road conditions, which connected the several towns, were making life miserable and hard for the locals.

The demonstrators marched in red from Gwira-Eshiem to Asuawa, Amgbrazee, Bamiango, and finally Gwira Aiyinasi.

Speaking to reporters during the demonstration, Mr. Adjei Daniel, a former Bamiango Assembly Member, claimed that the area’s growth was being hampered by the poor quality of the roads.

He said that the circumstances had forced commercial drivers to charge passengers exorbitant fees.

Asuawa’s Tufuhene, Nana Addae Blay V, stated that the purpose of the protest was to bring the government’s attention to the issue of fixing their roads.

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He stated: “This demonstration is the tip of the iceberg and if no concrete action is taken by the government and companies in the area to put the road in good shape, we shall organise a massive demonstration to demand our fair share of national development”

Nana Blay V bemoaned the lack of development in the Gwira area, despite the region’s substantial contributions to the nation’s GDP due to its huge output of cocoa and rubber plantations, among other food and cash crops.

Thus, he urged the government to expand development initiatives like quality roads in the region.

Maternal mortality in the Gwira region, according to Queen Mother of Asuawa Obahyema Favour, has been linked to the state of the roads.

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She said that pregnant ladies found it challenging to get to medical facilities due to the state of the roads and that as a result, several of them lost their lives in emergency situations.

She also urged the government to take action in order to assist in addressing the problem and provide the people with relief.

The chief of Gwira-Wiawso, Nana Djukom II, claimed that his town had been without electricity for the previous few days and pleaded with the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to address any underlying issues so that the people could have power again.

