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‘I’m the best person to debate on E-levy but haven’t been consulted’



'I'm the best person to debate on E-levy but haven't been consulted'

The former Member of Parliament (MP) for Suhum Frederick Opare-Ansah says he is the best person to debate for the NPP on the controversial E-levy but has not been consulted.

Speaking on the Jolly Breakfast Show (JBS) on Friday, March 25, he indicated he has the best tactics and is the perfect candidate to lead NPP in debating the policy.

He said, “Everyone knows nobody can debate the E-levy policy better than me but I have not been consulted and don’t have any idea as to why.”

Mr Opare-Ansah, who is also aspiring for the national General Secretary said he is ready to debate any person, be it an NPP or NDC member on the E-levy to prove his point that he is the best in that field.

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“Ask why they have not consulted me since the policy faced some backlash from the public and has been rejected several times by parliament because I don’t know why myself.”

This comes after Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance, on behalf of the government, presented the 2022 budget, indicating a 1.75 per cent charge on all electronic transactions on Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The E-levy charges will affect all online transactions such as mobile money payments, bank transfers, merchants and inward remittance across the country.

Following the 2022 budget presentation by the Finance Minister, Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, the announcement of the E-levy has been the topic of discussion as some citizens express dissatisfaction whiles there have been arguments between specialists concerning it.

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