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All NDC MPs pledge support for Mahama’s candidature



John Dramani Mahama

All Members of Parliament of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have pledged their support to the candidature of former President John Dramani Mahama to lead the Party in the 2024 general election.

Dr Kwabena Donkor, MP for Pru East, made the disclosure on Wednesday in an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Parliament House, Accra.

He said the support for the former President was because he was the most viable alternative today to lead the party to victory.

“We sincerely believe that he has the track record, he has brand recognition, he is vibrant, and he is capable. So, why don’t we support such a person to wrest power from the present government?”

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Dr Donkor urged the Party supporters and sympathizers to campaign harder for victory in 2024, and guard against complacency.

“We should never be complacent, because complacency has never won any election. There is a lot of hard work, and we must all commit ourselves to the greater good of Ghana,” he said.

