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Asiedu-Nketia comforts aspirants ahead pf elections



Politics Ndc Aspirants

Mr Johnson Asiedu-Nketia, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Saturday advised aspirants who would not be elected to executive positions not to consider themselves as “outcasts.”

“Not being voted for does not mean you are not part of the Party… because at every point in different times people are required to execute a particular task for a result,” he said.

Mr Asiedu-Nketia gave the advice in an address to delegates at the Bono Regional NDC Conference to elect regional executives for a four-year term, at the Ahenfie Hotel at Berekum in the Bono Region.

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He said what the NDC needed was a good selection of executives capable of wresting power from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Election 2024.

Mr Asiedu-Nketia encouraged aspirants who might lose to understand that they would be called upon whenever their services were needed, saying: “The Party needs a collective effort to beat the NPP in the next general election”.

He advised the delegates to reward aspirants who worked hard for the party by voting them back into the executive positions.

More than 400 delegates were expected to vote to elect executives for four positions, with seven of the aspirants going unopposed.

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