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Ghana Takes Over UN Security Council Presidency



Photo taken on Feb. 15, 2022 shows the Security Council meeting on Somalia at the UN Headquarters in New York. The top UN envoy for Somalia on Tuesday saw possible overall progress in Somalia's situation.

Ghana will on Tuesday, November 1, assume the rotating Presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the month of November.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration and copied to the Ghana News Agency said the country hopes to build consensus in the Council and across the United Nations (UN) on the need to ensure that Peace Operations, including kinetic and non-kinetic interventions.

It said it would also take into consideration the changing global security landscape by fully addressing underlying causes and drivers of conflict, linked to the growing youth bulge, poverty, climate change, and the absence of resilient institutions.

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“Ghana will also focus its attention on ongoing counter-terrorism measures in Africa and how best the Security Council could support such efforts, including through adequate, predictable, and sustainable financing, and how to work with regional arrangements to address the terrorism menace,” it said.

It noted that during Ghana’s Presidency of the UNSC, Mr Harold Adlai Agyeman, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ghana to the United Nations in New York, would brief the UN Press agencies and the Wider UN Membership on the Programme of Work and Ghana’s priorities on Tuesday, 1st November, 2022.

It said an Open Ministerial debate would be chaired by Madam Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration on the topic “Integrating Effective Resilience- Building in Peace Operations for Sustainable Peace” on Thursday, November 3.

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The statement said a debate at the Heads of State level would also be chaired by the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, on the topic “Counter-terrorism in Africa: An Imperative for Peace, Security, and Development” on Thursday, 10th November.

