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Govt Committed To Agenda 111 – Paul Amaning



Paul Kwabena Amaning New

Paul Amaning, the Eastern Region New Patriotic Party (NPP) Chairman hopeful, says the government is committed to seeing through its Agenda 111 despite some initial challenges.

He explained that the delivery of the project was seriously on course since it had taken off since the sod-cutting ceremony in March 2021.

The Agenda 111 aims at constructing 111 hospitals made up of 88 district hospitals, six regional hospitals, three psychiatric hospitals and refurbishment of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital for the country.

Paul Amaning said the project had gone through various stages following its announcement by the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in March 2020.

These stages he said included dealing with issues like feasibility studies, land acquisition, land preparation, documentation, and resolution of land disputes, as well asmobilisation of contract fees.

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He noted that so far construction works on 111hospitals had started following full acquisition of lands and clearance by the Ministry of Finance.

“Some contractors have moved to site while a few have started actual work and at nascent stages. The duration for the contract is 18 months, all things being equal,” Paul Amaning exclusively told Okogyeabour Ocran on Anopa Nkomo on Accra-based Kingdom FM 107.7

According to him, the President had a serious interest in the project and would make sure that the projects were executed on time.

Touching on other projects, Paul Amaning said government had not abandoned any health facilities started by the previous regime.

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Those who are saying that show us just one hospital you have built, here we are; we have done a lot in two years. We shall complete many projects in spite of the stiff challenge and difficulties brought by COVID-19 pandemic, “he emphasised.

He recounted the impediments introduced by the disease that had affected the world economic order and politics, including the US and China.

 “If in the midst of this pandemic the government has done this entire health infrastructure, then we need to praise the President,” he concluded.

Source: Richard Obeng Bediako/

