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I Have Nothing To Do With Youth Workshop, Awards – Agona East MP



Pokuah Sawyerr

Member of Parliament (MP) for Agona East Constituency in the Central Region, Mrs Queenstar Maame Pokuah Sawyerr, has indicated that she has no knowledge of Youth Workshop and Awards Presentation’ ceremony making rounds on the various social media platforms.

The activity is a proposed brainchild of the Agona East NDC youth wing slated for Sunday 17th July, 2022.

However, the MP in a Rejoinder indicated that her name and picture have been used on the flyer as the guest of honour without her authorization or permission.

The Banner

“I wish to state unequivocally that my office has nothing to do with the ‘Youth Workshop and Awards Presentation’ making the rounds on the various social media platforms.

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“Accordingly, I demand that the organizers immediately remove the name/ picture and cease any further all of my brand, including any other infringements, otherwise they could be liable for statutory damages,” Mrs Pokuah Sawyerr noted in a statement.

The statement which was copied to advised supporters and members of the NDC who have been invited in in her name to disregard it with immediate effect and rather call/ enquire from her office.

She stressed that “Branch Executives and members who choose to attend the program do so at their own risk,” he stressed.


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