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I will test the NDC Constitution visa vie the 1992 Constitution



Koku Anyidoho
I will test the NDC Constitution visa vie the 1992 Constitution

The Chief Executive Officer of the Atta-Mills Institute, Mr Samuel Koku Anyidoho has hinted of a legal action against the National Democratic Congress (NDC) following his expulsion from the party.

Speaking on Okay FM on Wednesday, August 8 he said he will test the party’s constitution as against the 1992 Constitution of Ghana to see if political parties had the right to just expel members for no apparent reasons.

“…..So Kwame nothing has happened yet oo, we are in the listing stages of this thing. We will test the NDC’s constitution and at the end of the day, let people know that you cannot run political parties per their whims and caprices,” he said.

“……Kwame. I have been around the headquarters for 4years, Kwame, I know a lot accept that I won’t say much openly now but am saying that am going to use this NDC’s constitution, the relevant articles of the constitution visa vie the 1992 constitution of Ghana and when this is done, we will see whether people can just expel people from political parties for no apparent reasons base on some baseless decisions and think that I will resign, I won’t resign today, I will resign tomorrow and nobody can push  out of the NDC”.

NDC’s demand members to uphold the 1992 Constitution

The former Deputy General Secretary of the NDC, said the party’s constitution mandate members to uphold the 1992 constitution  hence the decision taken by the party to expel him for exercising his fundamental freedom was an affront the party’s laws and would therefore test the laws to bring finality to the matter.

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He maintained he had not contravene the party’s code of ethics in anyway and would prove beyond reasonable doubt in due time.

“If our own party constitution say that to be a member of the party, one critical clause is that you must uphold the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana which has enshrined our freedom and so a member of the party who is not an executive member has his twitter handle and tweet freely his conscious without calling the party names and you go and pick the tweet and say per your thinking and per your estimation his tweet are hurting the party, that is your estimation oo, facts are facts. The fact is that, is his tweet really hurting the party?,” he quizzed.

NDC sacks Koku Anyidoho over misconduct

Mr Koku Anyidoho, a former Deputy Secretary of the largest opposition party in Ghana, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) was expelled from the party following a six month long suspension over a complaint of misconduct and anti-party behaviour brought against him by two members of the party.

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The decision was as a result of his social media outburst and utterances which some members deem it as an opposition to the party, it leaderships and its ideologies.


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