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Majority Condemns NDC’s Condemnation Of Judicial Decisions



Majority Condemns NDC’s Condemnation Of Judicial Decisions

The Majority Caucus in Parliament has condemned the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Caucus for condemning the Judiciary when certain decisions of the courts do not favour it.

The Majority said the condemnation of institutions of democracy was not good for the country’s efforts towards entrenching her democracy.

The Supreme Court, on Wednesday, March 9, ruled that a deputy speaker of Parliament can be counted to form a quorum and vote in a parliamentary decision while presiding over proceedings.

Mr Alexander Afenyo-Markin, the Deputy Majority Leader, at a press conference in Parliament to respond to some issues raised by the Minority Leader, Mr Haruna Iddrisu, regarding the ruling, questioned why he (Mr Iddrisu) would make a statement to the effect that the Supreme Court “is attempting to support the passage of the E-levy.”

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He said the New Patriotic Party (NPP) had a tradition of testing the law at the courts when it had difficulties with some aspects, which it sometimes won or lost, saying: “In all situations the conduct had been to respect the rule of law”.

“Unfortunately our colleagues on the other side, any time they go to court and lose, they attempt to scandalize the courts, to say the least,” he added.

Mr Afenyo-Markin urged the Minority to respect the decisions of the courts as they may inure to the benefits of all.

“If we are not ready to respect their decisions then we shouldn’t run to them, but once you run to them and they deliver we have to take it in our strides…tomorrow that decision could be an authority for your own cause,” he said.

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Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the  Majority Leader, explaining the procedures of the House, stated that the Constitution in Article 104 (2) made a clear distinction between the Speaker and deputy speakers of Parliament and the Speaker was the prime person who superintended over Parliament.

The deputy speakers act on behalf of the Speaker in the Chamber in his absence, he said.

The Supreme Court came to the determination that the deputy speakers could vote and be counted to form a quorum because they were  members of Parliament and represented a constituency.



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