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NDC primaries: Ada MP files nominations



Picture Ii Tma Politics Mp Ada

Ms. Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe, National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Ada-East Constituency has filed her nominations to contest for the party’s Parliamentary primaries slated for May 2023.

The MP was accompanied by a huge crowd of party faithful to submit her form at the NDC Party Office in the Ada East Constituency.

Addressing the gathering after the submission, Ms. Cudjoe thanked the supporters for their continuous support and pledged to work to ensure development reached every corner of the district.

She called on them to work toward the coming back of the Former President, John Dramani Mahama to power to continue the infrastructure projects he started in the district.

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Ms. Cudjoe added that most of the uncompleted projects were yearning for continuation however, their completion had been difficult because the party was not in power.

She appealed to the residents to ensure peace before, during, and after the elections stressing that they must desist from using offensive language since that could result in misunderstandings.

Ms. Cudjoe appealed to all NDC candidates to campaign with decorum devoid of antagonistic attacks, “let us work together to bring the NDC back to power for the sake of mother Ghana.”

