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NDC’s Abdul Karim assures members of level playing ground



NDC’s Abdul Karim assures members of level playing ground

The Anyaa Sowutuom Constituency Organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr. Abdul Karim, has assured members of equal opportunity and a level playing ground in the party.

According to him, the NDC which is a social-democratic party is big enough to accommodate more members who are willing to help wrestle power from the incompetent New Patriotic Party (NPP) come 2024.

He gave the assurance to members in Accra during the party’s ongoing re-organisation exercise in Kwashibu ward and Santa Marie ward in the Anyaa Sowutuom constituency.

Mr. Karim said the party would register anyone who is willing to join it, asserting “NDC is not a social club, we are a political party with a socialist ideology and it is in our numbers that our strength lies”.

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He, therefore, called on NDC members in the constituency to work in unity in order to move the party forward.

Mr. Karim also urged party members to encourage more people to join the party

He said he was optimistic that the NDC will make Ghanaians proud in 2024.

Present were, ward coordinator for Kwashibu, Mr. Patrick Adade and secretary for Santa Maria ward, Mr. Michael Ofori Addo.

