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Okudzeto Ablakwa Commends Akufo-Addo For Avoiding Luxurious Flight On His Recent U.K Trip



Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo

The member of Parliament for North Tongu Constituency, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has lauded President Akuffo Addo for using a ‘cheap’ flight for his recent trip to the United Kingdom.

Mr. Ablakwa in a Facebook post today, May 6, 2022, also praised the president for heeding the cries of Ghanaians and for that matter decided to go on a cheap flight this time.

“I can confirm that President Akufo-Addo appears to have listened to good counsel from an overwhelming number of outraged Ghanaians and so flew commercial aboard United Airlines on his current trip to the United States.” He wrote.

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He again indicated that his investigation has revealed that the president has not done any “meet me there” this time and has completely averted his addictive luxurious lifestyle whenever he is on a flight.

“Further tracking and our usually unimpeachable surveillance also reveal that he hasn’t done a “meet me there” on this particular travel as he has completely avoided his favorite ultra-luxury toys which he seems addicted to in recent years.” He wrote.

Mr. Ablakwa has frequently bashed the president whenever he travels abroad for the reason of using luxurious and expensive flights that incur much debt to the already ‘rotten’ Ghanaian economy.

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