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Don’t chase women chase money; with money women will chase you like chickens



Don't chase women chase money; with money women will chase you like chickens

Famous lawyer, pastor and political activist Reno Omokri has advised men not to pursue romantic interests with ladies that love money, explaining such an endeavor is an exercise in futility.

It is widely asserted that it is rather ladies who don’t love money that must be ‘chased’. But to get women who love money, one must rather endeavor to make money so that the women themselves can come chasing you.

Reacting to what he described as an erroneous impression, he said “Dear men, You don’t chase girls who love money. It is an exercise in futility. Rather, you chase money and when you get it, they will chase you as long as you have it. It is women that don’t love money that you should chase. All other women are not worth the effort.

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It is just like chickens and eagles. If you want checkers to come to you, simply look for corn. They cannot resist it. But even if you have all the corn in the world, an eagle won’t come to you. You have to hunt it or you will never get it,” he said on social media.

Mr Omokri has been a regular writer on social media on issues of relationships and politics. His viewpoints usually engender lively debates

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