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I’m saddened by the dicey situation Christian Atsu finds himself



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Singer and songwriter, Joseph Nkrumah Buabeng known professionally as Nero X has spoken about the dicey situation which Ghanaian footballer, Christian Atsu finds himself.

Christian Atsu who plays professional football in Turkey has gone missing since Monday 13th February, 2023 after a powerful earthquake struck the country and Nero X had this to say.

“When it comes to such things it is very vital and a dicey situation now so I will say that Ghana and the whole world is dealing with it at the moment,” he revealed sighted by

“The info I had in the beginning made me believe that he’s been found which made all of us very happy that’s why I posted it on social media to calm people down.

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“I believe in hearing good news not the bad news so like good energy and so when I realized it was a good news I needed to post it out there,” he said on Property Radio 102.1 in Cape Coast.

He added via Showbiz on Property “Later we heard that it was a mistaken identity that means he wasn’t the one who was found so right it is a very sad issue that we have to deal with it.

“So we continue to pray that they will find our brother Christian Atsu and we plead with his family to be patient and God should console them,” Nero X told Amansan Krakye.

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“We are hoping that once the search has not ended, we pray that he will be found alive and come join us in peace but the info I shared earlier was from a credible source that’s blogs that are very authentic.
