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Your mum will banish you if you wear skirts



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Journalist and politician Ras Mubarak has waded into the social media ‘fight’ between journalist Nana Aba Anamoah and singer Blakk Rasta. He cautioned Blakk Rasta to not try putting on skirts designed for males by Osebo, an ex-boyfriend of Nana Aba Anamoah.

Blakk Rasta had launched into a furious tirade about how it was inappropriate for Sarkodie to defile Bob Marley’s song, Stir It Up, by being featured on it. But Nana Aba, in complicated English, lashed out at Blakk Rasta for his criticism of Sarkodie and his being featured on the song.

In a put down by Blakk Rasta, he asked that Nana Aba Anamoah connect him to her ex boyfriend, Osebo, so as to enable him acquire some make skirts he designs and sells. But Ras Mubarak joked that Blakk Rasta’s mother would reject him if he wore such skirts.

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“Sis, @thenanaaba I hear you have this Legend’s direct phone number? I need him to borrow this outfit for the Bob Marley Day concert in May,” Blakk had tweeted.

To which Ras Mubarak replied: “If u wear this the old girl would banish you from her children. She’ll think you’ve gone fantastically mad.”

The feud between the two notable media personalities has attracted much attention, with each giving off their ‘violent’ best in the exchanges.
