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Black Meteors coach Paa Kwesi Fabin names starting line up for South Korea game



Black Meteors head coach Samuel Paa Kwesi Fabin has named his starting line up for the international friendly game against South Korea.

The U24 side after humiliating defeats against Japan will be determined to make amends against their Korean counterpart this morning.

Vision FC shot stopper William Esso has returned to the stick replacing Richmond Ayi.

Samuel Abbey-Ashie Quaye and Imoro Ibrahim will be the full-backs with Frank Amoabeng and Frank Assinki in the heart of defense.

Emmanuel Essiam , Sabit Abdullai and Frimpong Boateng will make up the midfield three.

RC Genk attacker Osman Bukari, and Joselpho Barnes will support Kwame Opoku Adu-Bofuor in the attack.

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The starting line up

16- William Essu
17- Samuel Abbey-Ashie
4- Imoro Ibrahim
2-Frank Amoabeng
5- Frank Assinki
6-Emmanuel Essiam
8- Sabit Abdullai
14- Frimpong Boateng
11-Joselpho Barnes

10-Kwame Poku Adu-Bofuor

7 – Osman Bukari


1 -Richmond Ayi
3-Uzair Alhassan
14- Percious Baoh
13- Patrick Mensah
18- Jonah Attuquaye
19- Samuel Gyaba
15- Samuel Boakye


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