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VIDEO: Colts Football in Central Region catches fire on Social Media



The National Juvenile League is truly back with a bang, following the massive response on social media since the first week of its return.

Matches have been taking place at various match centers designated by the respective District and Regional Football Associations with the approval of the Ghana Football Association.

Interesting developments have been emanating from these venues which is a clear indication of the massive warmth with which Ghanaians have welcomed a competition that has been inactive for quite some time now.

The buzz this has generated has turned focus towards the league that has been responsible for producing superb talents for our various clubs and national teams.

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Emulating the saying of living by example, the Ghana FA President Kurt E. S Okraku has taken part in enlivening the buzz about the league.

The GFA capo who doubles as the Chairman of the National Juvenile Committee shared the video uploaded below.


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