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NADMO sets to desilt drains in Sekondi-Takoradi as raining season draws near – Skyy Power FM



NADMO sets to desilt drains in Sekondi-Takoradi as raining season draws near – Skyy Power FM

The National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) of Sekondi-Takroadi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) says they are planning on desilting all drains before the rains set in.

Mr James Obeing Junior who is the Metro Director of NADMO speaking exclusively to Skyy News said they have submitted a list of drains that should be de-silted before the rains set into the Assembly.

He said this is not the first time they will be embarking on this exercise and whenever they desilt drains, they get positive feedback as it minimizes the flooding situation in the metropolis.

He prayed for the Assembly to be able to secure funds so the exercise can be executed to minimize flood.

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He said, “We have been tasked by the assembly to submit drains that should be de-silted before the rains set in and we have done that one, we hope the assembly will get the financial strength will get the machine to desilt, this is not the first time, every time we do it, the people of Sekondi-Takoradi confirm that it minimizes the flooding situation.”

Mr Obeng Junior added that the situation of flooding in the city is a shared responsibility because residents of the Metropolis also have a role to play in order the prevent the situation.

“When it comes to flood it is a shared responsibility, when it comes to drains, it is only meant for liquid waste and people should desist from throwing refuse in them as it contributes to flood.”

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Speaking on buildings earmarked for demolition due to their unsafe conditions and contribution to flooding in the Metropolis, he noted that those property owners have been sent to court whiles others have been served a court summons.

“We have sent a lot of them to court and have served 12 of them with letters, the Zenith Hotel building which is a threat to safety has been served with a court summon, and the court will look at this situation and give their judgement.”

