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Stakeholders give developer green light to construct project – Skyy Power FM



Stakeholders give developer green light to construct project – Skyy Power FM

After a crunch meeting by the Effia-Kwesiminstsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA) and the Anaji CK Mann Park stakeholders, the private developer has been given the go-ahead to construct the project.

The meeting was held at the Teambod School at Anaji on Wednesday, March 15 after which the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Mr Kojo Acquah briefed stakeholders on the park’s ownership and the importance of the project.

According to him, EKMA will be the only area in the Western Region to have a Sports Complex which fits perfectly in their development Agenda contributing to the upliftment of EKMA’s image.

He further added they would dialogue and see to it that residents in the area enjoy some benefits when the project is completed.

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He said, “Believe in me and let’s give chance for the developer to build this project, we will have a dialogue with him and make sure all your concerns and suggestion are considered.”

Some residents who spoke to Skyy News expressed their satisfaction whiles others were aggrieved.

A resident said, “The development will be good for the area, there are sports complexes in Accra and Kumasi but it is non in the whole of Western Region, this project must be accepted in good faith because it is the first we are getting in the Western Region and will aid talents development and boost businesses as well.”

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