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Women who promote sexuality through music easily become public enemies




Iconic veteran singer, Mzbel has said that people tend to get annoyed and hate female musicians who promote sexuality.

“It’s frightening because as for women our dealings are some way and people take sexuality to be something bad,” she said on Property FM in Cape Coast.

“When a woman stands on stage to show her buttocks we see it to be bad but it’s not a bad thing and that makes women more annoying to some people.

MzbeL told Amansan Krakye, the host “When you are a woman who promotes sexuality you annoy people and that energy alone combined can have an effect on you”.

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Sharing her past experiences, Mzbel said due to her quest to promote sexuality, a lot of things happened during her music journey.

“A lot of things happened to me in the past like I’ve been attacked on stage which I nearly lost my life and I have also been involved in a horrible accident.

“It’s not everything that comes to social media because during my days social media wasn’t loud so a lot of things that happened to me most people didn’t hear it,” she added sighted by
