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Krachi West Communities Petition EC To Join Krachi East



Krachi Communities

Seven communities under the Krachi West Municipality have petitioned the Electoral Commission (EC) and other government machinery to change their current status to the jurisdiction of Krachi East.

Okuma, Adakope, Debume, Bator-kope, Koka-kope, Yaw Gyengyen-Akura and Kojo-Akua, predominantly fishing communities with a population of over 3,000 people want to be under the Krachi East Municipality.

Nana Nartehbi Kudzordzi, Chief of Adakope, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that authorities under Krachi West Municipal Assembly had denied them with infrastructural development since 1992.

He said in the past few years, the community had pressurised the Member of Parliament and the Government to secure their border with Krachi West, but that had proved futile.

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Nana Kudzordzi said the EC must start all legal processes for them to be brought under the Krachi East Municipal Assembly.

He said moving under the Krachi East would foster political consensus and enhance a long-lasting peace that would address their grievances.

Some residents speaking to the GNA lamented about the absence of electricity in the Area.

They said lack of telecommunications network hampered effective communications in the area which was making life difficult for them since it was affecting their businesses.

They added that teachers had refused to be posted to the area because they could not have access to internet connectivity to do research work and teach ICT.

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They are appealing to Mr Joshua Makubu, the Oti Regional Minister, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and all other stakeholders to help them get their communities connected to the national grid.

They said they would not vote under the Krachi West in 2024 and called for expedited action to resolve their concerns.

