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Christianity now a fascinating Showbiz event in Ghana



KSM prophet

Celebrated satirist Kwaku Sintim-Misa popularly called KSM is worried about how Christianity which hitherto was one of the revered beliefs is turning into in Ghana.

He believes that the current state of Christianity is nothing to write home about and the earlier something is done about it, the better for the country.

KSM made this opinion known in a post shared on social media.

He indicated that currently, “alleged” Men of God and Pastors do everything within their means to trend on social media; a worrying trend which hitherto was not the situation.

These alleged “Men of God” to KSM will say anything that will make them lead in searches online; a very worrying situation the country finds itself in.

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“In GH, “Pastors” and alleged “Men of God” are the ones who trend. Christianity has become a fascinating “SHOWBIZ” event.”

Source: 2022

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