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I’ll beat any young musician who disrespects me – KK Fosu threatens



I’ll beat any young musician who disrespects me – KK Fosu threatens

In the entertainment industry around the world, there have been a series of matters bordering around disrespect mostly by the young ones towards those who have been around for some time

There have been a series of events where the younger ones have refused to show some respect to the older ones who claim they are experienced in the game.

Speaking on the issue as a challenge in the industry, KK Fosu known in real life as Kaakyire Kwame Fosu disclosed that he cannot tolerate any form of disrespect from people especially young musicians adding that he will beat anyone who does that.

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“Me, I will slap you, I will beat you if you disrespect me”. K K Fosu said this on Kantanka TV on the show Link Up.

To him, considering the tremendous contribution he and other legends have made in the industry, it will be painful for anyone to disrespect them. 

“When I look at the kind of contribution, we have contributed which is making you benefit I will not allow that”, he vowed

He further revealed that in his life, he has not had the experience of a young musician disrespecting him and hopes it stays like that

Source: / Syxtus Eshun / 2022

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