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AUDIO: GFA explains why top coaches couldn’t go for foreign attachments



AUDIO: GFA explains why top coaches couldn’t go for foreign attachments

The Ghana Football Association has explained why top performing local coaches could not go for attachments with foreign clubs as promised.

The GFA, prior to the start of the 2020-21 Football season announced that top local coaches at the Ghana Premier League, Division One League and the Women’s Premier League will be sent abroad to top football clubs where they will undergo a period of professional attachment.

The move which received a wholehearted welcome on the local front was seen as an intervention that was crucial to the development and upgrade of coaches in the country.

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This meant Hearts of Oak’s Samuel Boadu (who won the league) and Mariano Barreto (finished second with Asante Kotoko) would have benefitted from this alongside other top two coaches from the various division One league zones and the Women’s Premier League.

However, following the end of last season, there was a no-show concerning the arrangement. Concerns had been building as regards the matter and now the Ghana FA has come out to provide the answers football followers seek.

Speaking during the official launch of the new season, the Ghana FA president elaborated on why the arranged exercise didn’t happen.

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