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Prince Owusu explains his strong form this season



Prince Owusu explains his strong form this season

Two goals and an assist in the last three games: The winter new signing Prince Owusu who came from Paderborn is becoming more and more valuable for Erzgebirge Aue in the relegation battle. Below is the BILD interview with the striker.

BILD: How do you explain your strong form?

Prince Owusu: “I felt the trust of everyone involved here from day one. It’s not always easy for a player to move to another club during the winter break. But I was able to quickly focus on my performance in Aue.”

BILD: Didn’t the fact that Aue was in a relegation zone put you off?

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Owusu: “I saw it as a challenge. Pavel Dotchev convinced me to come to Aue. My drive now is to repay the trust.”

BILD: What distinguishes Pavel Dotchev?

Owusu: “He is not only a coach, but also an important reference person for me. What I appreciate about him is that he sees a person behind every player and exudes a lot of calm. We know where we are in the table and what’s at stake. His matter-of-fact manner takes away our nervousness and gives us security.”

BILD: You scored your first two second division goals in Aue…

Owusu: “That did me a lot of good. I want to take the momentum and help the team with more goals, assists and my willingness to run in the coming weeks. We’re in a good phase now and we want to put Karlsruhe under pressure with our power football on Friday. We’ll demolish everything until the last game to keep up the class.”

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